Kabar Terbaru, Penempatan Pekerja Migran Indonesia ke Malaysia Tinggal Sedikit Lagi, Tinggal Selangkah Lagi. Baca Pelan Pelan Sambil Tarik Nafas

Saiful Ketua Umum Aspataki saat di Kuala Lumpur.

Jakarta - Kementrian Sumber Manusia menjelaskan kepada masyarakat Malaysia (28/2/2022) untuk sabar menunggu MoU Pemerintah Indonesia dan Malaysia selesai meskipun disadari kekurangan tenaga kerja di Malaysia.

Bangladesh sudah MoU tapi masih belum jalan, negara lain masih tahap pembicaraan, MoU dengan Indonesia akan diselesaikan segera karena Pihak Malaysia sudah dapat izin dari Rapat Kabinet tanggal 23 Februari lalu.

Saiful Ketua Umum Aspataki meminta anggota Aspataki agar bersabar karena substansi pokok yang selama ini diperdebatkan kedua pemerintah telah disepakati kedua negara dalam bilatetal meeting waktu lalu, kata Saiful.

Saiful berharap teman teman anggota Aspataki khususnya yang di NTB agar dapat mengendalikan diri menghimbau para Calon PMI atau masyarakat Pencari Kerja khususnya di NTB agar jangan sampai turun ke jalan, percayakan DPP Aspataki bersama DPP Apjati akan selalu berusaha mendorong Pemerintah agar MoU ini segera ditandatangani, ujar Saiful

Agar bisa memahami lebih jelasnya apa yang disampaikan di atas silahkan pembaca membaca sendiri release resmi dari pemerintah Malaysia.




1. I view with serious concern the various media postings of late concerning the issue  of foreign workers’ management in Malaysia. As such, I would like to set the record  straight as well as to clear up public confusion on the matter. I sincerely believe that  an urgent explanation and clarification is pivotal to create awareness and better understanding amongst the public.

2. First and foremost, the Ministry of Human Resources is mandated to undertake negotiations and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the employment of foreign workers with source countries. The first MOU was signed between Malaysia through the Ministry of Human Resources with People’s Republic of China in 2003 through their Ministry of Labour. To date, the Ministry has successfully concluded and signed MOU with 10 source countries and currently in the midst of finalising the MOUs that has expired.

3. The Ministry recently inked the MOU with Bangladesh in November 2021, and is in the pipeline to conclude the MOU on Indonesian Domestic Workers after getting the official nod from the Malaysian Cabinet on 23 February 2022. The MOU with Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka are currently in the final stages of discussion, all of which have lapsed during the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. The Ministry is also responsible to safeguard and protect workers’ rights encompassing adherence to labour laws, terms in the contract of employment and other related employment matters such as entitlement of annual leaves and payment of wages. To this end, the Ministry has proposed the implementation of eWages as a salary monitoring system, which was agreed by the Cabinet on 12 January 2022. The eWages initiative will be implemented soon to monitor prompt payment of wages to foreign workers.

5. Forced labour is another pertinent issue that comes under the domain of the Ministry. As the chair to the Committee on Labour Trafficking under the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Council, the Ministry has undertaken various means to address and tackle the issue, most notably the implementation of the National Action Plan on Forced Labour (NAPFL) from 2021 to 2025.

6. As a member to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Malaysia strictly observes its 11 indicators on forced labour which also covers the aspect of conducive living condition for workers. Hence, the Ministry has made it compulsory for employers to fully comply with Standard Minimum of Housing and Amenities Act 1990 (Act 446) as a mandatory requirement to employ foreign workers. 

7.  forward, the Ministry is in the midst of planning to regulate and introduce a Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQ) within a span of 5 years for an effective and coordinated supervision of foreign workers.

8. Notwithstanding the above, matters related to travel documents and issuance of temporary work permits to foreign workers falls under the purview of the Ministry of  Home Affairs




28 FEBRUARY 2022


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